Something a little different than normal here, a really chilled and mellow mix of Heartbroken, remix courtesy of Hijinkx. It’s actually a bit faster than ukg generally, running at 150bpm so it’s aimed at a different musical genre, but I really think it works. Give it a listen and download!
Author: admin
Pitchard’s Valentine’s 2-Step Mix
deejay Pitchard blends romantic rhythms n broken beats for this Valentine’s day 2step mix for Enchanted Rhythms. Recorded last 14th Feb, expect to hear classic vocal 2step mixed with a few more recent garage bangers. Enchanted Rhythms is a Berlin based multi facet project for UKG featuring a website, radioshow, podcast, and parties in Berlin. […]
UKG Label M.I.Raw Recordings has released a new compilation featuring club bangers from the first three years of the label, including ‘Past Love’ from 2008 from Elisabeth Troy & Ed Case. Album also features DJ Footloose, Maxwell D, Garage All Stars, DJ Q, Danny Dubbz, Whistla, DJ Matt Farley & Alize Levy, Colour Girl, Mia […]
Regression Sessions continue to put out awesome DJ mixes as part of their RSMix series. For the month of January, they’ve handed the reigns over to the Juxx Boys. Volume 18 sees DJ Listener in control of the tunes and takes us through a journey of classic UKG vibes. Absolutely loving this mix.
Pomo – Blue Soda
Something a little different from regular tunes. A mellow deep-housey number with a groove.
4×4 & 2step UKGarage anthems from the mid nineties. Artists represent the original pioneers to convert the US Garage club sound into what we know today and love as UK Garage. Sure to “nice up the place!”
An old remix of Sophia Lee – Nothing Like Your Photo by UKG Producer, Kiba. This is from 3 or so years ago but Kiba has now put it up for free download on SoundCloud. It’s a summery feeling 2 step roller with some familiar influences running through the track.